Montag, 18. Juli 2011

Rob verlässt Toroto - 15. Juli

Und hier erfahrt ihr, wie das Bild entstanden ist:
Fan account "My mom works at a private airport in Toronto where a lot of celebrities fly in and out of. She called me last night letting me know that a “Robert Douglas Pattinson, an actor from the UK” would be coming through the avitat today. After my telling her that it was probably my boyfriend Rob coming through, I told her that she better get a picture for me! She and her coworkers joked around over the phone a little bit – laughing at how I told them that Rob is the only person in the world that I am allowed to cheat on my real boyfriend with (he gets to sleep with Eva Mendez) and then my mom finally discovered that he would be flying out before she even got into work today. However, I got a call from my mom this afternoon and a picture from one of my mom’s coworkers eventually followed. This is a picture of Rob heading out of a private Toronto airport July 15/11."

via source
by Jenny

1 Kommentar:

  1. Das hat Rob gewiss auch für Bear getan, damit er nicht in nem großen Jet in eine Box und in den Frachtraum muss.
    Angeblich ist er mit Kristen beim Einkaufen gesehen worden. Ich finde es immer wieder herrlich, wie unkompliziert das bei den beiden zugeht und auch, wie gut sie sich tarnen können.


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