Dienstag, 24. Mai 2011

Kristen und Jennifer Lawrence mit geheimen Handschlag?!

Jennifer Lawrence sprach im Interview mit MTV über Twilight, die Hunger Games und darüber, ob sie Kristen schonmal getroffen hat. Denn die beiden Buchserien, wo die eine schon ein weltweites Phänomen ist und die andere es innerhalb kürzester Zeit werden könnte, brachten/bringen beide Hauptdarsteller zu unglaublichem Weltruhm.

Unsere Kristen kennt das Ganze schon seit ca. 4 Jahren, Jennifer muss sich erst noch daran gewöhnen.
Getroffen haben sich die beiden Mäuse noch nicht, aber wenn sich das mal ergeben sollte, dann sagt Jennifer, sollten sie sich wohl mit einem geheinmen Handschlag begrüßen. So nach dem Motto: "Hi, wie gehts dir? Du bist in diesen Filmen. Ahhh... Ja, du bist auch voll cool."

Lol - bei so einer Begegnung der beiden wäre ich echt gern dabei *jap*

For those who keep tabs on the world of best-selling young adult fiction and the big-screen adaptations that accompany them as we do, the most exciting story to come out of that world recently is the film adaptation of Suzanne Collins' dystopian mega-hit, "The Hunger Games."

Naturally the biggest news was the announcement that Oscar nominee Jennifer Lawrence had won the highly coveted role of Katniss Everdeen, followed by casting news of key characters Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson) and Gale Hawthorne (Liam Hemsworth), then Elizabeth Banks as Effie Trinkett and later, Woody Harrelson as Haymitch Abernathy.

MTV News was lucky enough to score a few minutes with Lawrence recently to talk all about her exciting upcoming projects, including "The Hunger Games" and "X-Men: First Class." While discussing the huge fan-following behind the "Games" trilogy, the topic of comparisons to another popular book series-turned-box-office dominator, "Twilight," and its leading lady, Kristen Stewart, came up.

Given that "The Hunger Games" and "Twilight" have a few similarities, we asked Lawrence if she's spoken to Stewart about the experience, or if she'd want to commiserate in any way about starring in hugely popular book-to-movie franchises.

"No, I haven't spoken to her," Lawrence said, and then playfully acted out a little pantomime scene of what might happen if and when the two ever do meet. To do so, Lawrence used a series of incomprehensible grunts and gestures that could be loosely translated as, "Hi, how are you? You're in those movies. You are, too. Cool."

"I don't really know what we'd say," Lawrence admitted. "[We'd] just be like [gestures to an invisible book in her hand], 'Books! Who knew?'

via kstewartfans

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