Donnerstag, 27. Januar 2011

Robsten in Chile

Zugegeben, ich habe mir das komplette Video nur angesehen, weil ich das Lied so mag. Nebenbei habe ich mir dann die Videobeschereibung durchgelesen und muss sagen was das stand fand ich unheimlich herzergreifend. Fans in Chile haben also eine Aktion mit dem Namen ''Robsten in Chile'' ins Leben gerufen, mit dem Ziel Rob und Kristen nach Chile zu holen, damit sie dort was auch immer mit wem tun, ist ja auch egal, Hauptsache sie sind erst mal da^^

hey guys , this is another video of our campaign "ROBSTEN IN CHILE", obviously lol and we hope that someone of the cast will see this video and also, that they will see all the work that all the people have been doing for this cause, and as you know our campaing is about working for bring this amazing couple to our country and... what can we say about the video? this means EVERYTHING , to us, an experience like this could be unforgettable, our country have been suffering a lot of catastrophic experiences and have they here will be the best thing we ever lived.
So, the question is, why they shouldn't come to Chile?
there are lots of fans that are waiting for them and all of us would welcome them with all the love of our hearts.
Chile is the only country to missing them visit and we think that isn't fair. Why all have to be in Europe, Asia or North America? We are in the end of the world, yes, but that isn't mean that we're a little country or we don't have advances, because we do. Also, we are the most loyal fans of them and the Twilight Saga. We love them so much.
Other countries have had the privilege of having them in South America... so Why not Chile?
We have been learning to speak english even, to talk with them.
We hope that all the work that we have been doing work and they come to Chile very soon.
All the love from Robsten Chile Fans Club.

p.s : please help and support us, it's like a physic need for us to see this guys, just once a little closer ♥

Die haben sogar eine eigene Facebookseite zur ganzen Aktion und David Slade müssen sie auch schon kontaktiert haben, denn der twitterte gestern folgendes...

DAVID_A_SLADE Hi Chile, I love you but I can't help you. You need to harass Bill Condon now.

zu geil^^ 
Auch Billy Burke hat wohl was von der Aktion mitbekommen...

billy_burke:As for you people in Chile... I love ya but I can't help ya with your quest to get the Twi-kids down there. If it were up to me we'd all go

Ich wünsche es den Fans dort jedenfalls von ganzem Herzen :)


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