Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010

Trefft Kimbra Hickey-die Besitzerin der Hände des Twilight Covers

Diese gute Frau hat also 2004 ihre Hände für das Cover von Twilight zur Verfügung gestellt. Sie wusste allerdings nicht welchem Buch sie da ihre Hände lieh, mitlerweile kennt wohl jeder 2. diese Hände, die den Apfel halten :)
Sie tourt gerade mit der Twilight Convention durch die USA und lernt Fans kennen etc. Kimbra ließ erst kürzlich verlauten, dass sie nix gegen ne Rolle in Breaking Dawn hätte-ja nee ist klar...

Kimbra Hickey, part-time massage therapist and part-time "parts" model, certainly had no inkling of what was to come when she auditioned for the hand model job in 2004 -- before the book was published, and before the word 'Twilight' became synonymous with beautiful golden-eyed vampires living in an overcast, wet corner of Washington State.

Hickey seems to have embraced her role in the 'Twilight' phenomenon, touring with the 'Twilight' convention, meeting fans, and possibly seeking a spot on the 'Breaking Dawn' cast list. We talked to her to find out more about the person attached to those famous hands.

How did you get the job of being the hand model for the 'Twilight' cover? Did you know anything about it?

No, no, I didn't. That was back in 2004 when I got called in for the audition. They called in all the hand models. They said it was for a book cover, but they didn't say what the book was; they just said it was a book cover audition.

Den Rest des Interviews findet ihr bei Moviefone


1 Kommentar:

  1. die spinnt doch total
    was die leut alles machen, um im rampenlicht zu stehen ist ja ekelhaft


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