Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010

Kristen, Rob&Nikki im Portrait Magazins "20 Most Beautiful Inside and Out"

Wieder einmal eine Liste, auf der Rob und Kristen vertreten sind. Aber auch Nikki Reed ist mit dabei. Dieses Mal geht es um die "20 Schönsten Menschen-innerlich und äußerlich". Rob ist auf Platz 6 gelandet, Kristen folgt auf Platz Nummer 7 und Nikki auf Platz 9.
#6 Robert Pattinson

“I don’t want to look trendy, so I try to find clothes where somebody wouldn’t be able to say, ‘Oh, you’re a cool guy.’”

Robert Pattinson, known for his role as Edward Cullen; is more than just an attractive vampire, yes I admit I was one of those girls who fell for Robert’s grungy chic style and was totally on the Edward Cullen band wagon for awhile myself. He has been labelled as a heart-throb for young teen girls with sex appeal for the older women since filming the Twilight series; status symbols he doesn’t quite get. Robert Pattinson’s messy hairstyle paired with his grunge fashion makes him that much more attractive to the ladies then just his scruffy facial hair alone. Besides his hair and masculine jaw line a couple of things that also caught a lot of fans eyes were his beautiful bluish-grey eyes and his height; us girls tend to like the taller boys after all.

But there is definitely more to Rob than his looks, he’s very down to earth, polite and charming and treats his fans with the respect they deserve. He knows without them he wouldn’t be where he is now with all their support. That’s why when he heard a group of fans couldn’t get tickets to see him on Oprah he made it a point to visit them personally just to bring them tickets and invite them to the show. Not only that, but while hanging out at local pubs and playing his guitar at open mic’s he is extremely polite and loves taking the time to give fans autographs and a quick picture if he’s not in too much of a hurry.

Although, sometimes timid Robert Pattinson has been surprised to find out he was chosen to be on People Magazine’s 100 most beautiful list and Time’s 100 most influential, he is happy to be noticed and grateful to all of his fans for helping make him so popular. With all of your support he gets to do what he enjoys doing.

Why You Chose Him:
Elizabeth: Robert Pattinson at a very young age of 24 has a certain “je ne sais quoi” which definitively sets him apart from the rest. He is stunningly photogenic and oozing with sensuality and a charisma he has no idea he possesses. With a style that is an emanation from his own being, a posh accent, a sense of the absurd, great musical abilities, and a sweet funny quirky personality, disarming yet unassuming, all of which magnifies his uniqueness. He gives articulate insightful interviews, wise and mature beyond his years. A well-read young man with depth. The fans and paparazzis relentlessly pursue him and as exhausted as he appears by it all, he handles the circus that surrounds him with a good-natured grin and self-deprecating charm and a persona that draws the young and old. I am looking forward to the entertaining saga of Robert Pattinson.

Robs via

#7 Kristen Stewart
“It’s ridiculous that a certain look equals being conventionally pretty.”

Kristen Stewart’s role of Bella Swan in Twilight has us taking notice in this young actress, not only in her acting but her unconventional beauty as well. Her not so thought out looks are more for her comfort, which makes some guys swoon even more to know that she doesn’t worry too much about appearance but can also clean up quite nice for awards and films. The girls love her down to earth look and find it makes her more approachable. Fans don’t immediately go ‘Oh my god, it’s the girl that plays Bella’ instead it’s more ‘Hey isn’t that Kristen Stewart or Bella’. And her personality fits this; she’s sweet shy and has none of the predetermined star qualities other celebrities seem to get after awhile in the business.

Kristen is like any other regular young adult, she wants to be comfortable, and loves her choices of fun t-shirts, ‘messy’ hair and jeans. Not a great amount of thought goes into these outfits, they are more get up and go; but they are thought out when it comes to the fact they are eco-friendly. She knows what she likes and wears it, no matter what ‘Hollywood’ or the media say about what’s wrong or right in fashion. Not only is Kristen into eco-friendly products she also was the host at a Haiti fundraiser in NYC. And after a busy schedule of promotions and filming when she finally arrived home to find a group of fans at her door with paparazzi she stopped to sign some autographs with a happy smile on her face. Is she a trooper or what? Although some fans are a little jealous of her dating status with Robert Pattinson she is a very sweet and nice girl to be around!

Why You Chose Her
Jean Watt: Kristen Stewart is physically beautiful, has great acting skills, abilities and screen presence, involves herself in the world of idealistic causes, is generous and supportive of her friends and the people she works with, she is seemingly shy, but tries to reach out to the public because she believes thats what is expected of her..and she is adorable.

Kristens via

#9 Nikki Reed

“I don’t have a particular ‘style’, I think I’m still figuring that out.”

Nikki Reed is a very pretty young actress that many of you may remember from ‘thirteen’ or even more recently ‘Twilight’. The always humble Nikki admits that while the red carpet may be full of amazing and gorgeous people, it’s nothing like real life! “No one looks like this, this is a fantasy world,” Nikki has said. “My stylist would probably hang me for giving away all the secrets for what you do,” she admits. “There are so many contraptions and things are made, corsets all the time.” The young beauty also admits life isn’t always so glamorous; she’s not big on makeup but never leaves home without Vaseline! “It goes in the hair, the mouth, the eyelashes,” Nikki mentions about the product she uses most.

Nikki Reed admits that while in the public eye it can be difficult to live up to other’s expectations of beauty, especially when you play a gorgeous vampire like Rosalee Cullen. “It opened up all these questions about what beauty is. It really stressed me out for a long time. It made me more aware of my insecurity.” Nikki has learned to accept her flaws and has realized that “we’re all beautiful in a different way.” Nikki is not only sweet to her fans by making it a must to stop for autographs and photos but she makes sure they get the face time even when she’s in a rush. And when Paparazzi starts getting to pushy she asks them to back off and give her fans room, in a polite way of course. Mentioning she has to go and will not sign anything for the Pap if they keep pushing fans while they waiting. She is also supports better images in media for girls to look up to, instead of making them feel self conscious about their bodies or looks or the clothes they wear. Personally I think she deserves the fans and maybe a little trophy for being who she is, a great role model to young women!

Why You Chose Her:
Lily: I'm a huge fan of Nikki's from the UK and i just have to say that I admire her courage and spirit. The way she presents herself as a mature and intelligent young woman to the public is a very beautiful thing considering that she has young watchful fans who adore and would follow in her footsteps instantly. They way that she is becoming a brilliant role model for these young ladies is an excellent job well done. I can only say that Nikki Reed is truly a beautiful person on the outside as well as on the inside.

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