Donnerstag, 8. Juli 2010

Rob Interview mit dem Pariser "Match Magazin"

Also wenn ihr mich fragt ein echt supi klasse Interview :) Rob spricht darüber, wie er sich den Rest seiner Karriere vorstellt, seine Rolle als Edward Cullen und auf welche Filme er so steht... Hier ein kleiner Auszug, aber es lohnt sich auf jeden Fall den ganzen Artikel zu lesen...

PM: In this third installment your character refuses to sleep with Bella and only thinks about one thing: getting married. It’s an ancient couple concept don’t you think?
Rob: This vision is a bit archaic but I assume it. The way I see it, Edward is obsessed that he isn’t human. He would like to not be a vampire. Therefore he takes advantage of every little detail that can bring him closer to “normality”. What’s better than a marriage to feel like every­one else? In all classic vampire stories, they think of sleeping with their prey and are ready to kill for blood. Edward, is searching for simple love, to not be different anymore. But he knows that’s impossible, that he’s damned to eternal life. This is what also causes this profound sadness in him.

PM: Why did you want to become an actor?
Rob: I enrolled in the ater because my dad pushed me too. He thought it would help me over come my shyness. But it’s mostly when I realized that all these pretty girls went to these course that I became more attentive. Before that I hated theatre.

PM: Did you follow the election in the UK?
Rob: Absolutely! I voted and I think that this coalition can be a plus for this country. Nick Clegg and David Cameron look sincere and honest, full of hope. This duo has to work as well together as Kristen and I do.

PM: Do you discuss your future with Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart?
Rob: We have different ideas on the way we want our careers to evolve. It’s very bizarre. Taylor dreams of doing big block busters, in action movies. Kristen dreams of doing small independent movies that have trouble getting released as for myself I’m a mix of both.


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